Heart conditions

Telemonitoring or structured telephone support programmes for patients with chronic heart failure: systematic review and meta-analysis

Partners/ Authors Clark, R.A., Inglis, S.C., McAlister, F.A., Cleland, J.G.F. and Stewart, S.
Start & end date 2007
Focus To determine whether remote monitoring (structured telephone support or telemonitoring) without regular clinic or home visits improves outcomes for patients with chronic heart failure.
Outcome 14 randomised controlled trials (4264 patients) of remote monitoring met the inclusion criteria: four evaluated telemonitoring, nine evaluated structured telephone support, and one evaluated both. Remote monitoring programmes reduced the rates of admission to hospital for chronic heart failure by 21% (95% confidence interval 11% to 31%) and all cause mortality by 20% (8% to 31%); of the six trials evaluating health related quality of life three reported significant benefits with remote monitoring, and of the four studies examining healthcare costs with structured telephone support three reported reduced cost and one no effect.