Use cases

Telemon Remote Monitoring for Heart Transplant Candidates

Heart Transplantation Monitoring

Telemon Remote Monitoring for Heart Transplant Candidates – A Successful Collaboration with NÚSCH 

An innovative project aimed at remotely monitoring patients awaiting heart transplants has been launched. This telemonitoring project, focused on feasibility, has already seen its first successes.  

By utilizing telemon – a telemedicine solution from Goldmann Systems—patients with advanced heart failure can now monitor their health under professional supervision, all from the comfort of their own homes. The pilot project was possible thanks to the involvement of leading medical professionals, including Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eva Goncalvesová, MD, PhD, and Dr. René Molnár, MD, MSc, from the Cardiology Clinic of the Faculty of Medicine, Comenius University (LF UK) and the National Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases (NÚSCH). 

Why Remote Monitoring is Crucial for Heart Transplant Candidates 

Patients with advanced chronic heart failure are particularly vulnerable and require careful monitoring of symptoms, vital signs, and treatment adherence. Traditionally, this monitoring is done through regular hospital visits or even frequent hospitalizations. However, with telemon, patients now have the option to monitor their health remotely through certified medical sets provided by Goldmann Systems. These sets allow for the long-term monitoring of patients’ vital signs from a distance, ensuring that their health is closely observed without constant hospital visits. 

According to Dr. René Molnár, the main goal of the pilot project is to closely monitor patients’ health and to evaluate how well the telemedicine solution works in practice. Equally important is understanding how patients feel about using this technology and how readily they accept it. The project also includes a behavioral study to track patients’ psychological well-being while conducting their health measurements in the privacy of their own homes. The research aims to find a balance between collecting relevant data and maintaining patient comfort by adjusting the frequency and type of measurements required. 

How Telemon Enables Remote Health Monitoring 

During the project, patients with advanced heart failure who are listed for heart transplants participate in remote monitoring on a voluntary basis. On average, the online monitoring period lasts around four months. Patients measure their vital signs daily, with specific devices like EKG monitors and spirometers being used weekly. 

So far, 11 patients have successfully utilized remote monitoring, allowing doctors to track their health status online. The project, which began in September 2023, has already yielded positive results. If the concept proves successful, there are plans to expand the group of monitored patients. 

The Role of Goldmann Systems in the Project 

As the technology partner, Goldmann Systems has provided the complete ecosystem needed for the remote monitoring of patients. This includes the telemon platform, which is designed for data collection and analysis, as well as certified telemedicine sets that measure vital signs. The system ensures the secure transmission of patient data to a centralized monitoring hub, where the solution is continuously managed. Additionally, Goldmann Systems offers helpdesk support for both patients and healthcare professionals, ensuring that any challenges are addressed promptly. 

Ensuring Seamless Support for Patients and Physicians 

Goldmann Systems prioritizes the comfort of both patients and doctors. Physicians provide detailed information about the patient, including their specific monitoring plan. Telemon then reminds patients when they need to take measurements, streamlining the entire process. Goldmann Systems also offers patient training and online consultations to help resolve any issues. The helpdesk team closely monitors whether patients are following their prescribed measurement schedules, ensuring that all data is collected as needed. 

How Patient Health is Monitored 

Doctors regularly track the health data and trends from their patients. Based on this information, they can call patients in for face-to-face consultations, adjust treatments, and address potential health concerns. The goal is to prevent any deterioration in the patients’ condition using modern technology. 

The Value of Telemon® from a Doctor’s Perspective 

After several months of using telemon in NÚSCH, Dr. Molnár praised the solution for separating the medical aspect from the technological side. As a physician, there is no need to handle technical configurations, allowing full focus on patient care. The platform’s user-friendly features and high level of automation are also appreciated. Once a patient measures their vital signs, the data is automatically transmitted to the system without any additional steps. Dr. Molnár can instantly access the information and monitor health trends over time, which is especially critical for the effective treatment of chronic conditions. 

The Future of Telemedicine in Heart Transplant Care 

Telemon provides an innovative approach to remote health monitoring for heart transplant candidates. By giving patients the ability to track their health remotely while doctors stay fully informed, this project could change the way we approach chronic disease management and transplant preparation.