
Telemon usage – doctors’ thoughts

Benefits of the telemon solution – several thoughts collected from doctors. When my friends and acquaintances ask me what we do in 365care, and what exactly telemedicine means, I often refer to the quotes and statements, which come from our first clients i.e. doctors and patients.

Not only does their feedback enable us to continuously improve telemon, but it also helps next users to set up their expectations. Most importantly, it helps them actively grasp the meaning, possibilities, and their own involvement in improving one`s health condition as well as correct adjustment of treatment, based on the ongoing health assessment of a patient.

This article will depict my favourite observations, provided by some doctors, who work in various specialised fields of medicine. These can perhaps inspire more people to get involved, too. Some doctors have decided to use telemon to carry out their specific clinical studies, while some will apply it when treating their chronical disease patients.

1. Why did you decide to apply telemedicine and remote monitoring via the use of telemon for your patients?

By MD. Rastislav Zanovit – “I can look at the measured data whenever I need to, without having to make further phone calls to colleague doctors.”

By MD. Viliam Cibik PhD. – “In this rapid area and current accessibility to health care, telemonitoring of patients will be highly essential.”

By MD. Rastislav Zanovit – “Thanks to telemonitoring we know whether a patient really carried out the measurement, and whether it was done correctly. Patients are more motivated to measure themselves as they feel to be under supervision.”

By MD. Jozef Lacka PhD., MBA – “An ongoing virtual contact with a patient improves adherence to their treatment regimen. The patient knows that their efforts and data are recorded in the system, and thus available to their doctor.”

By MD. Rastislav Zanovit – “We strive to keep patients in their home environment as psychological well-being has a significant impact on the result of treatment.”

2. What benefit did you expect telemon would bring?

By MD. Rastislav Zanovit – “In our rural region, accessibility to hospitals and doctors is very poor. There is a lack of qualified doctors. Measurements are carried out by a nurse and a doctor does not need to be around. A doctor functions only as “a software” who makes a conclusion. Doctors can evaluate the results and set up treatment remotely.”

By MD. Viliam Cibik PhD. – “Telemon gives us more data on the patient`s condition, as well as a more detailed view of their health state. A patient will be more under control, even though their visits to clinics will be limited. The available data lead to a more effective and even more successful correction of treatment.”

3. What benefits has the use of the telemon system brought to you and your patients?

By MD. Jozef Lacka PhD., MBA – “We can see how the patient is getting on, how their health condition is being developed, and we monitor its progress. Moreover, telemon shows us how well the patient takes care of themselves. We have the proofs that regular measurements of vital functions help to improve the parameters of patient`s conditions. It is a kind of materialisation of treatment efforts for both parties.”

By MD. Viliam Cibik PhD. – “Doctors are overloaded. Telemedicine can eliminate patients` visits for example of this kind: “I have come to measure my blood pressure.” Furthermore, patients are less likely to get infected as they are not in waiting rooms.”

By MD. Jozef Lacka PhD., MBA – “Telemedicine should become a standard part of chronical disease treatment. Another benefit it brings about is the aggregation of data in one place. We have more data on clients that one would ever be able to collect during an ambulatory care. We can see clear trends. We can make better decisions and really tailor the treatment.”

By MD. Viliam Cibik PhD. – “Some patients were worried how they would cope with this new method. However, they perceive telemedicine as an interesting novelty. Most patients are pleased and grateful.”

By MD. Jozef Lacka PhD., MBA – “Telemon also enables us to monitor a patient`s motivation and willingness to heal.”

By MD. Viliam Cibik PhD. – “Some patients refuse technologies for various reasons. However, this aspect seems to be essential, as it helps us identify those patients, who are truly interested in treatment, and motivated to improve their health condition. We are also able to evaluate the cases, into which it really makes sense to direct doctor`s energy. Telemon gives us relevant pieces of information on how well a patient takes care of themselves.”

4. What are your plans in this area for the future?

By MD. Rastislav Zanovit – “Telemedicine could help us decrease the number of hospitalisations as well as many doctor visits to patients. A doctor can react more promptly and set up timely treatment so that the patient`s condition is not addressed the moment when they are already decompensated.

MD. Jozef Lacka PhD., MBA – “There are many patients, and fewer and fewer doctors. Telemedicine is the way to serve more patients. Doctors will perform only highly qualified actions and professional decisions, while nurses will be preparing and processing the data. I see this trend as a necessity.

By MD. Rastislav Zanovit – “However, I think that in health care facilities the collection and processing of data without the direct intervention of a doctor is invaluable.